Optical communications
using coherent and
non-coherent light
An overview
Left: A
3-watt red Luxeon LED at a distance of 14.91
miles (23.85 km) with downtown Salt Lake City in
the foreground. Right: Transmitting with a 50+ watt
LED with the light from the 95 mile (152km)
distant end being visible at the terminus of the
red beam. Click on an image for a larger version.
Red Line50th
Anniversary! - The historic May, 1963,
118+ mile optical transmission by the EOS Amateur
Radio club. The remarkable feat was
accomplished just months after the invention of the
visible-light HeNe laser!
Red Line photo gallery - Pictures and
detailed descriptions of the events and equipment
used during the May, 1963 experiment.
This and the above page was produced with help
of some of the participants of that historical
Unlike more familiar fiber-based schemes, communications through
the atmosphere has some unique challenges that do not confront
those who might use optical fiber links such as distortion
caused by variations in the air itself along with weather and
pollution that can diminish the signals - not to mention both
artificial light and the sun which can overwhelm distant, weak
Note that the emphasis here is on experimental schemes
and those described here are not intended to be either highly
reliable or high-bandwidth. Because of this, the
commercial viability of some of the techniques described here is
likely irrelevant: Much of the goal of this
experimentation is to simply try different things and to have
fun while doing it - and hopefully learning something that we
didn't previously know in the process!
Coherent versus non-coherent light for
through-the-air optical communications
"To lase, or not to lase..."
Lasers have been the darling of optical
through-the-air communications for decades - and for some fairly
good reasons:
Lasers are cool!
Lasers are typically packaged such they produce beams that
are inherently collimated and are able to maintain a good
power density over long distances.
Lasers are cool!
Unlike most conventional light sources, Lasers can be
modulated at fairly high frequencies - either directly, or
with optical cells.
Lasers are cool!
Lasers, operating at stable wavelengths, lend themselves
to detection via narrowband optical filters to remove most
of the ambient light, improving performance in the presence
of light pollution and even daylight.
Lasers are cool!
Historically speaking, Lasers are relative newcomers in the
optical communications field: For many centuries,
reflected sunlight or flames have been used to convey messages
visually over long distance while more recent electronic schemes
have used electric lights of some type (incandescent, gas
discharge) to provide a source of modulated light - but high
modulation depth with good frequency response had long been a
problem. It turns out to be very difficult to modulate
most "conventional" high-intensity, non coherent light sources
with properties of both full modulation and/or usable frequency
response. While there are various schemes that can
accomplish this, they often are quite complicated and/or beyond
the means of the average experimenter.
Lasers, on the other hand, would seem to lend themselves quite
nicely to long-distance optical communications with gas lasers
and readily-available laser diode assemblies already designed
and packaged to produce collimated, intense light. It is
quite easy to electronically modulate a laser diode, and either
gas or solid state lasers can be modulated mechanically at very
high frequencies with an optical cell. One sticking point
with most lasers is that it can be quite a challenge to linearly
modulate the laser itself electronically over a
wide dynamic range so it is more common to use schemes such as
an FM subcarrier or digital modulation (usually pulse-width
schemes) that can be accomplished simply by turning the light on
and off rather than trying to change the brightness in some
linear way.
More recently, extremely intense, non-coherent solid state light
sources have appeared in the form of high-power LEDs:
These devices have luminous outputs higher than that of most
lasers - at least ones that an experimenter is likely
to find or afford! With these recent technology advances
it is practical to get fairly high conversion efficiencies from
single-color, high-power LEDs, easily achieving hundreds of
milliwatts (or even watts!) of light output with manageable
power input levels.
Like traditional LEDs, high-power LEDs lend themselves nicely to
current modulation and their upper modulation frequencies are
limited, for the most part, by their intrinsic capacitance,
making them practical even for video or megabit-rate data
modulation. The downside is that these LEDs do not usually
come in a form that produces tightly-collimated light so it is
up to the user to add the optics necessary to make them useful
for use in a long-distance communications system. Another
important consideration is that, unlike lasers, LEDs do not
produce coherent light - but this can be a distinct advantage
as we shall soon see!
Another consideration when using lasers has to do with
safety. Compared to even a low-power (e.g. Class 2) laser,
the highest-power LED-based systems have lower power density
across the area of collimation. Much of this has to do
with the fact that, by necessity, it is necessary to collimate
the beam of an LED emitter to a fairly large area (typically
hundreds of square centimeters) to minimize divergence - a
factor that greatly reduces the power density - and it is for
this reason that practical, high-power LED-based systems are a
minimal physical hazard to those using them or to those who
might inadvertently cross into the beam at a distance and are
thus unlikely to be regulated in the same way as lasers.
It should be noted that in the U.S., higher-power lasers (those
Class 3R/3A levels) are restricted in their use except in
controlled environments and/or unless a proper variance has been
obtained - and similar laws (often ones that are even more
restrictive) are commonly found in other countries as
well. Finally, in some jurisdictions - such as New York,
Arizona and Texas, lasers may be subject to stricter "local"
laws while in places like New South Wales, Australia, laser
pointers have been effectively been banned altogether!
If you really want to try your hand using laser
pointers for communications, see the "Using Laser Pointers..."
page at this site.
For a historical overview of optical communications
Whether one is using a Laser or not, successful long-distance
optical communications requires that the emitted beam be collimated
- preferably into as large a diameter, parallel beam as
possible. While it may intuitively seem like a
good idea to preserve the small-diameter, extremely intense,
pencil-like beam of a typical laser, it is important to realize
that this beam has a very small cross-sectional area.
Because the atmosphere is turbulent by nature, as the beam
passes through small "cells" of air with different
characteristics (temperature, humidity, pressure) the path of
the light beam is refracted (bent) slightly every time it does
so. A very small-diameter beam of light will, therefore,
slice its way through a narrow path of air cells, accumulating
more and more disruption as it passes along with the result
that, at the far end, the received beam may have traversed
enough of these cells of air to be significantly disrupted and
randomly vary in brightness by the time it reaches the receiving
end - a phenomenon known as scintillation.
A large, collimated beam, on the other hand, has lower power
density and may appear dimmer to the naked eye to an observer
relatively near the emitter, but only because the energy has
been spread out over a larger area as compared to the pupil of
the eye. Because of its larger area it is more likely to
be able to "straddle" multiple cells of air - or even small
visual obstructions like rain drops or insects: While
portions of this larger beam's cross-section may be degraded by
air cells, other portions are likely to not have been
so-effected at the same instant and because of this, the overall
amount of scintillation is reduced - an effect called aperture
In part, this effect can be easily demonstrated in the night
sky: Usually, stars twinkle, but planets don't!
A star is, for all practical purposes to the naked eye, a
point-source of light because, while the star itself may be
large, the vast distances in space make its subtended angle
negligible in size. A planet, on the other hand, being
very much closer, is not simply a point of light: Even a
small telescope will resolve the nearby planets (Venus, Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn, in particular) as obvious disks rather than
points of light and in this way it's easier to see how aperture
averaging of the planet's disk would reduce twinkling:
Even if one portion of a planet's disk "twinkles out" it's
likely that another portion of the disk is still shining bright
at that instant!
Another contributor of the "stars twinkle, planets don't"
phenomenon is a property often referred to as "local coherence"
which is at play when the angular source size is very
small. This effect, noted by A.A.
Michelson, is another of the causes of
scintillation. If the emission of light is from a source
with extremely small apparent angle (like the "pinpoint" of a
star) even noncoherent light can take on many of the properties
of coherent light - notably interference. For more
information on this topic read "The
Sizes of Stars" by Calvert, and for a graphic
example of this effect read the Astronomy
Picture of the Day for April 28, 2011.
This effect is yet another reason why a large aperture will
contribute toward the reduction of the phenomenon of local
coherence and thus scintillation.
Figure 1
The Top trace, covering a time span of
about 0.8 seconds, shows 4 kHz signal emitted
by a standard, high-brightness red LED being received over
a 15 mile (24km) path having been emitted from large-area
(approx. 50 sq. in, or about 289 sq cm) aperture.
This shows about 17dB of scintillation at a relatively
slow rate.
The Bottom trace, covering a time span of
about 0.28 seconds, shows 4 kHz laser signal,
over the same path, using the very same optics as above
for both receive and transmit. Close inspection of
this waveform reveals at least 40dB of scintillation
occurring at a much higher rate than with the LED.
The signals were both received using the same 70 sq in
(452 sq cm) Fresnel lens optical receiver. Click on either image for a larger version.
It should also be remembered that the amount of scintillation
also depends on the size of the aperture being used as an
optical receiver: The iris of the eye, being only
millimeters in diameter, is very small when compared with the
objective lens of even a small telescope. For this reason,
stars that appear to twinkle to the naked eye often appear to be
far less "twinkly" when viewed with a telescope or
binoculars. It is also worth reminding the reader that
with a larger "receive" aperture (e.g. larger lens) more light
is gathered and the effective sensitivity of the receiver is
increased in proportion to its increase area!
Scintillation and coherent light:
One unique property of lasers is that they produce light that is
(more or less) emitted at a single frequency or wavelength and
ideally, the light leaves the laser in phase-coherent
wavefronts. If one were to cause a portion of the light
beam the light to be delayed slightly as compared with another
portion, wavefront cancellation can occur - and this is
precisely what happens when an interference pattern is
generated: This phenomenon can be readily demonstrated
using a CD
or DVD to reflect laser light and noting the
resulting pattern of dots being reflected, or it may be inferred
by that familiar "laser
speckle" that one sees on a surface illuminated by
laser light.
This very property has a downside in through-the-air
communications: Parcels of air of varying density due to
temperature and/or humidity can offer slightly different
velocities of propagation to the light in addition to slight
refraction. The ultimate result of this is that
scintillation of a coherent light beam is usually very much
worse than a non coherent beam due to diffraction, owing to the
fact that random wavefront phase reinforcement and cancellation
is occurring.
Figures 1 and 2 illustrate this point
clearly. For Figure 1, the same 15 mile (24km) path was
used, along with the same detector optics (70 sq in, or 452 sq
cm Fresnel lenses) and the same 50.27 square inch (289 sq. cm)
optics (a reflector telescope) being used for
transmitting. The top image shows the amplitude of the LED
(noncoherent light) being affected by the scintillation to a
depth of about 17dB or so. The bottom trace shows the
received Laser signal being much more strongly affected - and at
a faster rate. Note that the two images in Figure 1
have different horizontal time scales with the
bottom image representing a much shorter time period and far
more severe scintillation.
In the video linked in Figure 2 the differences are
rather dramatic. Comparing the "raw" small-diameter beam
from a cheap, red Class II laser pointer with that of a
collimated beam from an LED the results are visually
striking: As noted in the narration the "speckle" pattern
from the distant laser is a chaos of light while the effects on
the light from the LED - while significant - are of far lower
magnitude. From this video one can see that the use of
both coherent light and a large transmit aperture can be helpful
in maintaining the integrity of the signal as it passes through
the atmosphere.
For an audio clip that demonstrates the difference between
Coherent and Noncoherent light and their passage through the
atmosphere, click
Another property of coherent light that should not be overlooked
is that due to absorption by various gasses, the transmissivity
of the atmosphere has many narrow peaks and nulls throughout the
visible spectrum and a "narrowband" light source (such as a
laser) could easily fall into one of those nulls:
Noncoherent light sources, by their very nature, are not likely
to be as susceptible to the effects of very narrow nulls in the
transmissivity although from a purely practical standpoint,
inexpensive diode lasers have wide enough spectral width that
these extremely narrow nulls are largely "straddled" in normal
Also, refer to the links near the bottom of the Modulated
Light DX page
- particularly those linked to papers by Korotkova.
Comments about lenses, coherent and non-coherent light
Again, no matter what light source is to be used it is
advantageous to use as large an optical aperture (lens) as
possible in order to minimize scintillation - not to mention to
maximize "optical gain" at the receive end. Furthermore,
when laser (coherent) light is used, best efficiency is obtained
when the quality and precision assures that these optical
components are "diffraction-limited" - that is, made such that
their figure is accurate to sub-wavelength accuracy so that it
is the finite wavelength of the light itself that is the main
determining factor! If one keeps this consideration in
mind, there are a few factors that must be considered when
obtaining/using such optics:
Cost. The prices of lenses (or reflectors)
seem to go up exponentially with size.
Weight. The weight of a solid lens seems to
be roughly proportional to cost - that is, it goes up
exponentially with size.
Fragility. Large lenses, being bulky and
heavy, are seemingly easier to damage than their smaller
counterparts. It should go without saying that a
large, heavy, glass lens assembly is more prone to damage
due to handling or accident than a lighter-weight optical
Practicality. The bigger and heavier it is,
the harder it is to use a larger lens or reflector. If
the optics are large and heavy, so are the mounts, tripods,
and other gear required to support and precisely aim it.
When one is using a laser to provide a coherent source for a
collimated beam it makes sense to use good-quality optics to
minimize beam divergence, but this poses a number of problems
(in addition to cost) that severely limits the size of lens that
one is likely to be able to use - not to mention being able to
transport the optics and associated mounting gear. These
complications aside, the optical alignment (e.g. aiming) of a
very tightly collimated beam over large distances requires
extreme precision and mechanical stability - both factors that
complicate the logistics of experimentation while in the field.
A practical alternative to a large glass lens is a plastic,
molded Fresnel
lens. These lenses are flat and, if properly
manufactured, can have excellent optical characteristics -
including absence of spherical
aberration. Affordable plastic Fresnel lenses
are, however, no match for a good quality set of glass (or
optical plastic) "conventional" lenses in terms of performance (e.g.
they cannot approach the diffraction
limit at visible-light wavelengths) and
because of this they cannot be used to efficiently collimate a
coherent light source such as a laser. Even though Fresnel
lenses are not suitable for collimating coherent light owing to
their rather poor accuracy (typically, hundreds of times
worse than the diffraction limit) they may still be used
at the distant "receiving" end because of the fact that the
atmospheric path will "de-cohere" the light, anyway!
Another downside of Fresnels is that the "facets" (grooves) the
lens tend to scatter light which can be an issue if there are
nearby light sources that may be strong enough that the
scattered light might "dilute" and interfere with the desired
signal, but this problem can be significantly controlled through
the use of light-blocking baffles and careful site selection.
Inexpensive Fresnel lenses can provide excellent results as a
beam collimator when
using noncoherent
light sources such as high-power LEDs but they are of limited
usefulness if one is trying to collimate coherent (e.g. laser)
light owing to their innacuracies. When using good-quality
Fresnel lenses with typical high-power LEDs it has been observed
that it is the size of light source itself (e.g. the LED's die)
and not the quality of the lens has been the main
factor in determining beam divergence and values of well under
0.3 degrees (approximately 5.2 milliradians) are easily
attainable with readily-available light sources - and values
significantly lower than this would be possible if a
high-intensity "point-source" LED was practical:
Unfortunately, such a "point-source" LED can not exist!
Even though the use of high-power LEDs with their relatively
large emitter areas implies a more-divergent beam than that
obtained from a typical laser, the sheer magnitude of luminous
flux available from the LED still allows a combination of
respectable far-field flux, larger transmitting aperture, and
much less-stringent requirements in aiming - all of which, in
practical terms, allow for excellent in-field performance.
Another important consideration is that in using Fresnel lenses,
lenses large enough (>25-30cm equivalent diameter or larger
for visible wavelengths over a 100km path) to minimize the
effects of the "local coherence" and disruption due to the
"cells" of air described above are quite affordable and
practical in their use!
Figure 2
A video showing the effects of scintillation on
small-diameter beam from a laser pointer and that from a
collimated LED at a distance of approximately 24km.
In a receiver, Fresnels are very effective at intercepting the
distant light source and the ability to inexpensively achieve
large aperture areas can make up for optical inefficiencies that
they might have in comparison to smaller-sized, high-quality
lenses. As is the case with the use as a collimator, the
relative imprecision of a typical molded Fresnel lens sets a
limit as to how small a "spot size" can be achieved - a factor
that has implications related to small the detector can be as
well as the minimum practical field-of-view. Over
atmospheric paths one may use a Fresnel to intercept light from
a distant coherent source without the same diffraction problems
that one would encounter were it used as a coherent light
collimator, this being because of the fact that even a short
distance through the air (a few kilometers) will adequately
"de-cohere" the laser's light.
Methods of signaling:
Perhaps the simplest form of signaling is simple on/off
keying of the light, but this scheme is not well-suited
for electronic detection of weak signals so Morse code
is often used with a tone-modulated light source, being detected
by ear with an optical receiver at the far end. This
scheme has the advantage that it moves the detected signals into
the realm of one's "Gray Matter DSP" (that is, the brain) via
the ear and a skilled operator can easily "copy" signals that
are buried in noise. On/off tone modulation is also fairly
easy to accomplish: Simply interrupt a tone-modulated
light source (or the tone itself) to send the Morse characters.
Tone modulation may be done in a number of ways and one of the
oldest is the "chopper modulator." Used by Alexander
Graham Bell in his early Photophone experiments, this device
simply interrupts the light source - usually with a spinning,
slotted disk to impose audio onto the light source and this
modulated light source is, itself, interrupted to "key" the
tone. This mechanical scheme has the advantage of being
intuitively obvious and it may be used to modulate practically
any light source! Alternatively, tones may be imposed on
the light and data communications may also occur with very slow
data rates, using a computer at each end, allowing information
to be conveyed even if the signal is too weak to be audible to
the ear.
Amplitude modulation of plain speech is highly attractive in
that it does not require that the operators be skilled in Morse
in order to communicate, but the use of speech can complicate
things as it is difficult to satisfactorily modulate it onto
many light sources - such as a slow-to-respond tungsten
filament. It is possible to modulate other high-intensity
light sources such as arc or gas-discharge lamps provided that
one deal with the complexity of dealing with the awkward voltage
and/or current requirements of such devices and accept that fact
that the depth and frequency response may be limited by the
nature of the device. Direct speech modulation of gas
lasers can be complicated as well, owing to the nature of many
laser tubes to resist modulation to a significant depth.
Both gas and semiconductor lasers can be modulated with an
optical cell (such as a Kerr cell) but these pose their own
complications, such as the need for a high-voltage source and,
possibly, the use of dangerous substances.
Modern laser diodes may be directly current-modulated provided
that one strictly observes the ratings pertaining to minimum and
maximum current and device temperature whereas LEDs are far
more-easily current-modulated. As noted previously, it is
more common that laser diodes are simply on/off modulated -
either with an audible tone to facilitate Morse communications
or with a much higher frequency where Frequency
or FM may be used - that is, the Laser (or LED) is simply
turned on and off, but the varying frequency is used to convey
the modulation be it voice, video or even data: More
on these and other methods later. For "linear"
modulation schemes, duty-cycle modulation (e.g. PWM,
or Pulse Width Modulation) is a relatively simple method
where simple on/off modulation can be varied in a way that it
will synthesize linear modulation with the advantage of not
having to worry much about the actual linearity of the device
being modulated - such as with a laser diode!
Types of detectors:
For reasons of practicality, most systems for detecting optical
energy - including those that we have used - have been radiometric
- that is, we are simply detecting energy from the transmitter
in a manner that is intrinsically frequency or wavelength
insensitive: The more light we receive from the distant
transmitter, the more signal we can recover from our detectors.
Perhaps the most inexpensive type of detector is the silicon PIN
in the red and near-infrared spectrum - which just happens to be
about the same as the optimal wavelengths for through-the-air
communications. The problem with photodiodes is that in
order for them to be very sensitive they need to be very
lightly-loaded owing to their lack of any intrinsic
self-amplification - but if you do load them lightly
enough to get good sensitivity, their capacitance (10's to 100's
of pF for units of several square millimeters in area) can
seriously limit high frequency response: If one wishes to
obtain the ultimate in sensitivity from a photodiode, best
sensitivity is only possible up to a few kHz with the optimum
range being below a few hundred Hz. These frequency
limitations effectively rule out using any subcarrier scheme to
convey voice or high-speed data if one wishes to have,
simultaneously, both wide frequency response the and
best-possible sensitivity. For these reasons our
experiments have tended to use simple amplitude-modulated voice
as well as extremely narrowband digital techniques such as WOLF,
or QRSS (extremely slow Morse) - all in or below the 3kHz speech
An alternative to using PIN photodiodes is to use Photomultiplier
tubes (PMT's). Photomultiplier tubes have the
advantage in that they can be extremely sensitive owing to their
self-amplification properties while maintaining excellent
bandwidth - but they do have some disadvantages: They are
rather expensive, especially compared with a photodiode,
they require a high voltage supply - 1000 volts being typical,
and most commonly-available types have rather poor
red-wavelength sensitivity, an important factor when you
consider that these longer wavelengths are preferred for
through-the-atmosphere communications. Other disadvantages
of PMTs is that in comparison to a photodiode, they are rather
fragile, both mechanically and electrically. A solid-state
alternative to the PMT is the Avalanche
(APD) as these devices can have excellent red
sensitivity - greatly exceeding that of many surplus PMTs - but
APDs, like PMTs, tend to be somewhat specialized and expensive
and low-cost devices are not always readily available on the
surplus market..
Many previously-published articles have used FM
in the form of subcarriers
to convey voice information - and for some technically-sound
The amplitude of the recovered audio is independent of
the amplitude of the received signal. It does
not matter how weak or strong the signal may be as long as
it is above the minimum threshold for
demodulation, the amplitude of the recovered audio will be
the same. Consider listening to an FM station on a car
radio: When it fades out, it doesn't get quieter, it
just gets noisy.
Intrinsic rejection of noise sources - namely light
pollution. FM, by its nature rejects
many noise sources. This property - plus the fact that
the subcarrier will typically be at several 10's of kHz -
means that the 120 Hz (or 100 Hz in those areas with a 50 Hz
mains frequency) energy plus the immediate harmonics from
urban light pollution will be largely rejected - as
long as the desired signal is sufficiently strong to
overcome the energy from those other sources.
There is a problem that can arise when trying to demodulate
signals that are near the noise threshold of the typical
PIN-diode optical detector system: When using photodiodes
the available sensitivity decreases with increasing frequency
response. What this means is that a receiver that will
receive, say, a 40 kHz subcarrier, will likely be at least
10-20dB less sensitive than a receiver optimized
to receive only speech (up to 3 kHz) bandwidth. Another
factor has to do with the fact that a skilled listener can
comfortably copy speech with only an 8-10dB signal-noise ratio -
and this happens to be approximately the same amount of
signal-noise ratio that is required for an FM demodulator to
work. If you have plenty of excess link
margin, however, a subcarrier-based system can work quite well.
How about other types of subcarriers?
Experimentation has been done by the folks in Great Britain in
2010-2011 with the use of VLF transverters to convert signals
from an HF amateur radio rig (such as an FT-817) to/from
frequencies typically around 3.58 MHz from/to "subcarrier"
frequencies in the 25 kHz range that are to be used with the
optical gear. While the use of these higher-frequency
subcarriers will reduce the effective sensitivity of most types
of optical detectors, the using of SSB in favor of FM minimizes
detection bandwidth and the selection of the lowest-possible
"carrier" frequency (e.g. 25 kHz or lower) can be used to
further minimize the effects of the loss of sensitivity at these
higher frequencies.
It is worth remembering that the goal here is not
to obtain absolute maximum performance, but to shift the audio
up and away from the "hum and buzz" that might be encountered
from the effects of mains-powered urban lighting. Such a
scheme also makes use of an "IF Rig" that many VHF/UHF/Microwave
enthusiasts (some of whom may be interested in optical
communications!) would already have, allowing the use of any
mode provided by the radio (such as FM and SSB) - as long as the
signal is good enough! The downside is that not only must
one tack on a VLF transverter to a modulator/detector that already
provides audio, but you must supply an amateur HF rig and the
power to run it as well! If you already have such gear -
and your goal isn't intended to be that of achieving ultimate DX
(that is, you just want to work other stations a few 10's of km
away rather than 100's of km) - then this may be a reasonable
In lieu of using a transverter, I have also used the "Spectrum
Lab" program with a laptop computer to produce and demodulate
SSB, AM and FM signals in the 5-24 kHz frequency range and have
produced a number of rudimentary "scripts" - all of which could
stand further development, but have adequately demonstrated the
feasibility of doing so using computer sound cards.
(If you are interested in methods of communications using
subcarriers, feel free to use the contact information at the
bottom of this page.)
Final comments:
It seems fairly clear that the majority of the research in
through-the-air optical communications has been directed toward
short range (under just a few kilometers) use - and for good
reason: The variability of the atmospheric conditions (not
to mention daylight) simply prohibits the use of such techniques
for use as a full-time, highly-reliable communications
system. As mentioned above, the goal is not to
attempt to create an ultra-reliable, high-speed, optical
through-the-air communications system, but rather see what we
can do with fairly simple and inexpensive hardware.
If you have questions or comments concerning the contents of
this page, feel free to contact me using the information at this URL.
Return to the main "Optical
Communications" web page, or go to the modulatedlight.org
main page, or go to the ka7oei.com page.
Keywords: Keywords:
Lightbeam communications, light beam, lightbeam,
laser beam, modulated light, optical communications,
through-the-air optical communications, FSO
communications, Free-Space Optical communications,
lightbeam communicator, LED communications, laser
communications, LED, laser, light-emitting diode,
lens, Fresnel, Fresnel lens, photodiode,
photomultiplier, PMT, phototransistor, laser tube,
laser diode, high power LED, luxeon, cree,
phlatlight, lumileds, modulator, detector
This page and contents
copyright 2007-2013 by Clint Turner, KA7OEI. Last
update: 20130726