Operation Red Line
Celebrating the historic, 1963 119 mile laser
communications experiment!
May 3rd and
4th, 2013 marked the 50th
anniversary of this historic experiment!
There are two other articles about the 50th anniversary
of Operation Red Line :
In early 1963 - less than a year after the first
visible-spectrum Helium-Neon lasers were introduced - people
were already thinking about its possibilities. Amongst
those doing such thinking was Robert (Bob) Legg who, at the
time, worked for Electro-Optical Systems Inc. [EOS] in
Pasadena, California. He became involved in a project
that used a helium-neon laser to span a long distance
through free-space (e.g. "Lightbeam" communcations.)
In July, 2007, Bob recorded a recollection of these events
from his point of view for Chris Long, VK3AML. What
follows closely parallels a transcription of this
recording: Section titles have been added, and minor
changes have been made to improve readability, sentence
flow, and to fill in some details originally omitted but
later obtained through research, from in-person interviews
in February of 2008, telephone conversations,
correspondence, and from various publications.
There is also a gallery of
photographs from Operation
Red Line at this web site.
In February of 2008 Chris (VK3AML) and Clint
(KA7OEI) visited Bob and completed a
two-way optical contact across Yucca Valley - read about
that contact here.
For more information about optical
communications in general, don't forget to visit other
pages at the Modulatedlight.org web site!
Bob Legg's Narrative:
How it came about:
"The company that we worked for, Electro-Optical Systems in
Pasadena, California, had a number of
radio operators (or '
the company and the thought among some of us was that we should
have an amateur radio club among our employees. We had our
first get-together to discuss the possibility of forming a club
in late January of '63 and the question brought up at the time
was 'Why have a club within the company when almost all of us
have membership in one or more amateur radio clubs outside the
company?' The consensus was that if we were to form a club
within the company, why not have some kind of a goal, the
breaking some kind of a record or, as Jack Pattison later wrote
'...contribute something scientifically new to the field of
Three of the participants of "Operation Red Line"
From left to right:
Robert Legg - in charge of the
receive site, Duane
Erway - in charge of laser construction and Jack Pattison - in
charge of the transmitter site.
Click on the image for a larger version.

"We went away from that meeting thinking about this and when we
met a week later we had come up with a few ideas of what we
might want to do: It was decided 'Let's build a
laser and see if
we can't break the world's record.' This record wasn't
very far at the time - about 35 miles I believe - established by
Aircraft. We finished the meeting having chosen some
members to head up various tasks that were involved, such as
laser construction, receiver construction, path selection,
someone to be in charge of the receiver site and laser site, and
someone to be in charge of material acquisition. Those
people weren't very hard to choose as all but two of those who
showed up at the meeting participated in the laser event, and
amongst those who participated were:
Dr. Henry Richter, W6VZA - Project manager
Duane Erway, ex W6KAQ - Project coordinator and laser
construction leader
Dave McGee, K6GPJ - Site selection leader
Jack Pattison, W6POP - Transmitter site leader
Bob Legg, W6QYY - Receiver site leader
Parks Squyres, ex WA6AKM, now W7PKS - He owned the telescope and
built the photomultiplier assembly
Others involved were:
Chuck Cunningham, K6YTP
Bob Fuller, W6KHK
Ron Sharpless, ex WA6LMV, now N7ERC
Verne Gallinger, K6VJJ
Ross Joe, K6CPB
Ed Reed, K6IGC
Darrel Wilcox, ex WA6THK - He ground and coated the mirrors for
the laser in the EOS optical shop.
Also involved were a number of
Dr. Joe Nuestein - The head of EOS
Jack Miller - Excellent mechanical engineer
Dick Stultz - Material acquisition
Steve Fine
Chet Campbell
Jay Snell
I believe that there were two members that didn't participate in
the actual event: One of them may have been Manny
Weinberg, K6HWM.
Shirley Pattison, K6DPX [wife of Jack Pattison] helped as well.
Although not a member, she provided a radio relay between
Grassy Hollow and the telephone.
Top: The
laser assembly in the lab with the laser tube, spotting
scope, confocal mirrors and collimator mounted in the
steel channel. Visible in the background on the
right is the Viking II transmitter (used as the exciter)
while the neutral-density filter may be seen at the
end of the channel.
The laser transmitter, in the tent at Grassy Hollow
being adjusted.
Click on either image for a larger version.


About laser construction:
"We were able to obtain a
tube, already fitted with
windows on the ends used to maintain polarization. We were
originally thinking of modulating the laser using a
Kerr cell,
which rotates polarization, but this idea was later abandoned
due to the awkwardness and hazard of using a Kerr cell - which
often contains nitrobenzene, a very hazardous substance - and
the fact that the exciter itself could be modulated. We
also obtained two mirror mounts with micrometer adjustments for
alignment, and we installed
"The exciter and modulator was a Viking II made by
- a very popular line of ham equipment at that time in the
country: I had a Viking II, so I offered its use. We
excited the laser at 28.62 MHz - in the 10 meter amateur band -
and by amplitude-modulating the Viking, which put out about 100
watts of RF, we were able to excite the laser. We
the laser with a 10-power telescope with a 2-inch exit diameter
and we mounted the whole assembly, including a spotting
scope, in a steel beam that was 12-inches wide, 4-inches deep,
and 6-feet long. The most power we ever got out of the
laser was 125 micro watts. The laser tube itself had no
internal electrodes, requiring external RF excitation:
Initially, we had no idea how to do this, but after some
experimentation we determined that applying RF to strips of foil
properly placed on the outside of the tube did the job.
A sense of urgency:
"I'm sure that we could have improved the output power with more
experimenting, but there was an overwhelming urge to get out
into the field as fast as we could because we were aware that
there were at least two other groups that were about to break
the current record, one being
Aircraft in San Diego, California [Ryan Aircraft was the
company that built the
of St. Louis -
Lindbergh's airplane] and another being the
Signal Corps that was setting up a facility to break the
record - and while they were out there pouring concrete for
foundations, we were rushing this thing out into the field
instead of having it sit on a workbench.
The receiver:
telescope had its own mount and used a 12.5 inch
mirror. For detection we had available an
S-20 photomultiplier
tube and a power supply for it: This was probably
not the best choice of photomultiplier tubes, but it seemed to
work and we had it available - that's to say, free. We
also had an audio amplifier with a speaker - plus a tape
recorder to document the event.
"The first tests were performed at EOS once the laser was
up-and-running. Our building, which was only a few months
old, was about 300 feet long and we beamed our laser down the
hall at night: With a mirror at three corners, the beam
went around the building from the south hallway to the north
hallway to a separate room for the receiver. With
filters that we'd hoped were equivalent to the
path loss,
we were able to get very good communications: What we
have were the
effects which about wiped us out!
Transmit and receive
"The sites that we used were determined by Dave McGee and his
team: They'd studied topographical maps for some time and
field-checked accessibility of the two sites that had been
selected to meet our goal of 100 miles or so. The
transmitter site was easy to get to with paved roads all of the
way, to the
campground in the
Gabriel mountains at about 7300 feet.
"The receiver site, however, was something else: One of
the selected locations was in the
mountains - but how one was to get up there was a problem
so they went out to investigate, to see if there was an old
mining road to get to the top. The first stop was the
(almost) ghost town of Ballarat - a town with one resident,
well-known for his prospecting over many-many years. He
was an old, old gentleman who went by the name of '
Slim' and very few people ever got a chance to meet him.
"Dave McGee and his team drove into
and ran across Seldom-seen Slim and got his cooperation -
something that we later found was unusual because he avoided
people and didn't like to talk - but he was of great help and
told the team how to get up at least partway via a mining road,
at the end of which was an old mining operation that was closed
down. At this old mining operation was a guard to keep
people out, but if permission could be obtained to cross this
locked facility another, older, road went to the top. Dave
and his team went up the road, met the caretaker at the mine and
talked him into letting them pass through, onto the old road.
"It took quite a bit of time to fill in ruts that had washed out
parts of the road, but they eventually got very near the top -
an elevation of about 7400 feet with a good view toward Grassy
Top: At
the receive site, the telescope in the tent (left) and
the large flash lamp that was to be used to allow
sighting-in of the receive site (right)
Front view of the telescope. The
photomultiplier housing may be seen, strapped to the
telescope at the top of the picture and the spotting
scope may be seen below the telescope.
Rear view of the telescope, looking out of the
tent. Below the telescope, on the table, may be
seen a xenon flashlamp, the power supply for the
photomultiplier tube, and the audio amplifier. In
the background can be see the flashlamp that had been
tried for sighting-in the receiver site.
Click on an image for a larger version.

The expedition:
"We eventually thought that we were ready to set up camp and try
this - but that was probably a mistake as we should have spent
at least another two weeks polishing off problems that became
very obvious to us once we were on the site.
"My team - the operators at the receiving site - arrived at
3:15PM on Friday, thanks to the owner of our company who gave us
a day off, giving us a long weekend. I, in my
Valiant (my wife's car, actually) was unable to make the
last 500 feet of the very steep road so Ron had to drag me this
last distance: To her dying day, my wife never knew where
I had taken it! By 3:30 we'd established the 6 and 2-meter
radio links used to communicate between the two sites, pitched
our tent and set up the telescope.
Finding the sites in the distance:
"I'd brought along a huge flashlamp that was mounted inside a
lamp - one of the types in which you move a handle on the
side to send code: The shutter had been removed and a very
lamp had been installed and there was a huge power supply
to run it. With that [flash lamp] we thought that we could
aim it towards Grassy Hollow and the transmitter team would be
able to beam the laser toward us. When it finally got dark
we were able to sight-in Parks' telescope with the help of the
headlights from W6KHK's [Bob Fuller's] car at the transmitter
"For aiming the laser, the flash lamp didn't cut it - presumably
because much of the optical power was in the blue spectrum which
was absorbed by the atmosphere, but everyone else in southern
California must have seen it! Fortunately, we had
contacted the
and told them that we were going to be flashing this light, so
they were able to pacify all of the pilots flying in southern
California, and there was no problem.
"Failing with the flash lamp, we still had an
ace-in-the-hole: A 5-million candlepower aircraft
that we'd managed to obtain through the military. We
unpacked the flare and ignited it on the ground and, for a few
seconds, the transmitting site was able to see this and know
exactly where to beam the laser. Unfortunately, the wind
was blowing in such a direction that the smoke from the flare
went toward the transmitting site, obscuring the flare itself,
and they got only a few seconds of visibility - but it did light
up all of the terrain around us - such as the town of
to the west and
Death Valley
to the east - and many people must have wondered what-on-Earth
was going on atop the Panamint mountains!
Aiming the Laser:
"Once we were ready to operate, they turned the laser on and
attempted to beam it toward us - something that turned out to be
a rather large problem: Someone in the group had
calculated that moving one end of the laser assembly just
one-hundredth of an inch would move the beam 175 feet at the
receiver site and, as it turned out, the 'scanning' technique
used at the transmitter site certainly needed some improvement.
"I was unaware that no attention had been paid to the fact that
we needed some kind of micrometer-type of adjustment on the beam
and it took a half-hour of awkward 'scanning' of the laser
before we were able to see it at the receiver site. I
asked Jack Pattison, who was at the transmitting site, what the
problem was with moving it: We would see a flash and it
would disappear, so we'd try to get them to back up - but in the
process of backing up they would go too far and it would be lost
for another 10 minutes or so. Jack informed me that the
only adjustment that they had was to tap the end of the steel
channel in which the laser was mounted with a rock. When
they got close - that is, when those at the receive site could
see it once in a while - they switched to the 'fine adjustment'
tool, which was a smaller rock! I think that that could
have been improved considerably! Once we got beamed in (at
about 10:55 PM) we were quite aware that there were a lot of
atmospheric conditions affecting the path and that the beam was
fluctuating very rapidly - but that's scintillation for you!
Communications - at
"We did make some communications by laser on Friday night
- but they were not too successful, although we could
understand it occasionally with signals peaking Q3, but later
dropping off. We rescheduled to come back up at 4 AM -
well before sunrise - hoping that the scintillation would be
less with a more-stable atmosphere.
"During the night, some winds came up and it took two men to
hold the center post of the tent at the receiving site with the
other four trying to get some sleep - but that was difficult
since the telescope and electronics took up the middle of the
tent causing everyone to lay up against the tent sides - with
the wind blowing and tent flapping up against our backs, keeping
us awake. Later that night, the winds increased and the
tent came down:
was working overtime!
"At 4 AM, we had no winds and were back up and ready to run, but
Murphy's law struck again as they couldn't get the laser to
work. By Saturday night things were up and running again
at about 9:30 PM with a better laser signal than the night
before and for about an hour-and-a-half, we recorded what we
thought were fairly-good communications (Q4-Q5 at times) -
considering that we had 1/8th of a milliwatt of power from the
laser over a path of [over] 118 miles.
"Again, we decided that things might be better in the morning so
a schedule was set for 4:30 AM on Sunday. This time, the
receive site was again up and ready to go, but no-one was awake
at the laser site - Murphy strikes again!
Some comments about the audio recordings:
"The first thing that you'll notice on the laser communications
tape is a great deal of
noise in
the higher portion of the audio spectrum and we generally played
that back with the higher frequencies rolled off. I've had
thoughts about why all that noise was there, but there was
nothing that we could to about it at the receiving site. I
think that a lot of the noise was due to the
resistor that
was between the high-voltage power supply and the
photomultiplier tube - which was 100k - and it probably was a
[composition] resistor and that probably contributed a lot
of noise - at least that's my theory at this time. It
probably would have been much better with a
resistor, which at that time was available - probably for
a couple of years before that - and this might have reduced the
noise quite a bit."
of Bob Legg's narrative]
As it
turned out, the EOS group's success became fairly well-known
with brief accounts having appeared in several industry trade
magazines as well as brief mentions in amateur radio magazines
and local press at the time. Bob has said on several
occasions that they were sure
that their record would soon be broken - but this turned out not to be the case:
After news of their success, it seemed that the other
contemporary distance attempts were simply abandoned.
Bob has expressed some surprise that this record hadn't been
broken - or even reported to have been nearly duplicated - for
several decades after the 1963 experiment - even long after
technology had advanced to the point where lasers and the
associated electronics were readily available on the surplus
market and had become portable enough to be practically
transported by a single person.
Considering how new laser technology was in 1963 I find it
amazing that a self-motivated group dedicated the effort,
time, money, and persistence to pull it off!
Even more photos:
There is also a gallery of
photographs from Operation Red Line
- along with more-detailed descriptions of the gear
used: Click
here to view them.
The following are
some excerpts from the original log tape recorded at
the receive site on May 3 and 4, 1963.:
- Audio Clip:
Early reception: On the evening
of May 3 they were still trying to peak the beam and
work a few minor bugs out of the system. In
this recording, made at about 11:50 PM, you can hear
some of the goings-on at the receive site -
including radio communications between the receive
and transmit sites - and some of the early signals
from the transmitter site before conditions
deteriorated. Also in this recording you hear
Jack, W6POP, mention (via the laser link) that, on
May 2, they'd measured the Laser's output power as
being 125 micro watts. Portions of this
recording have been adjusted to compensate for
differing audio levels.
of the above audio clip:
Various voices:
The best I've seen, but I think that it could be
better" [Switches clicking in the
background]. (Someone transmitting to
Grassy hollow via the radio): "[That's the]
best so far, but I still think you can do better."
"Shall we modulate?" "Yeah, if we want to!" (Grassy
Hollow via the radio): "We are ready to
modulate." "Okay" "Go ahead and modulate." (Grassy
Hollow over the radio) "W6QYY, WA6... (indistinct,
drowned out by the sound of the generator.) (Switches
Clicking, whistling, sound of generator, indistinct
talking): "Nothing here..." "Let's see
how many volts - 1500 volts." "Nothing
here..." (Another click followed by loud
humming/ringing noise from the loudspeaker):
"All right, now you want him to come in?" "Yeah"
"Here he comes..."
This is followed by indistinct speech from Jack via the
laser link, until:
The voice of Jack, W6POP via the laser link:
"...120 miles, to the receiver site which is located
near Death Valley in the Panamint Mountains, near the city
of Ballarat ... The power... of this... was
measured last night... The power of this laser was
measured last night as one-eighth of a milliwatt.
One-eighth of a milliwatt was measured - we will correct
it if... [indistinct] something[?] was wrong.
That's what it was! This is only 125 microwatts -
that is not very much! The date here is,
uhh, May 3rd, still, our first communication
link was made at 10:55 and our first signal was picked up,
modulation was received [at] about 11:15. The time
right now is about, uhhh, 10 minutes till 12
midnight. We have been transmitting for a
bit... a little under one hour, almost one hour now
that we have been transmitting..." (Misc. noises
and end of clip.)
- Audio Clip:
Description of transmission:
A prepared statement was read multiple times by
different people for the log tape, describing the experiment
itself and the equipment used. This portion of the
recording is of Jack, W6POP himself and scintillation
(fading) is clearly evident. The hiss that one hears
is from the photomultiplier/amplifier system and not from
the tape recording and if you listen very carefully,
you can hear some faint 120 Hz hum from the distant city
lights. A version
of this audio clip with applied noise reduction may be found here:
of the above audio clip:
"[The] date is May 4th, 1963. The time,
approximately 2132. This is W6POP operating portable
from Grassy Hollow in the San
Gabriel Mountains, running a test of a laser
communications system over a distance of approximately
one-hundred and eighteen miles. The transmitter is
operating on a wavelength of 6328 ångströms
with a radiated output power of one-eighth of a milliwatt,
or 125 micro watts. The receiver is located at about
12 miles from Ballarat,
on a ridge in the Panamint
mountains. This is a field operation using
auxiliary power. Main communications are on the 2 and
6 meter amateur bands. This test is being conducted by
members of the E.O.S. Amateur Radio Club. The
transmitter uses a Helium-Neon
gas laser with confocal
mirrors. The output is collimated
using a 10-power telescope. The laser is pumped and
modulated using a Viking-II at 28.62 megacycles. The
receiver uses a twelve-and-a-half inch diameter telescope as
an antenna. The received signals are demodulated using
an S-20 photomultiplier tube and
further amplified and fed into a loudspeaker and a recorder.
The 'antenna' beamwidth
or field-of-view
of the receiver is determined by a stop located at the
plane. Provision is made for insertion of
optical filters. Hello test, 1, 2, 3, 4...
Coordinates of the two sites:
These coordinates are based on information provided by Bob
Legg and Dave McGee in 2008 and are based on WGS84 datum.
Transmitter site - A location north and
west of the Grassy Hollow Campground in the San Gabriel
34° 22' 46.06" N
117° 43'
37.31" W
(ASL): 7330' (2235 m)
Map link showing this location - Click
on the "Satellite" tab for an aerial view.
- Note:
The actual location is indicated by the green
arrow above and to the right of the red balloon
with the "A" in it. For some reason, Google Maps
puts the balloon on Highway 2 rather than at the actual
site location.
Receive site - Above and east of an
area called "Middle Park" and along a road that somewhat
follows an NNE-SSW ridge in the Panamint mountains:
36° 00' 51.6" N
117° 03' 8.2"
(ASL): 7370' (2247 m)
Map link showing this location - Click on the
"Satellite" tab for an aerial view. The balloon
indicates the proper location for this site.
the transmit and receive sites: 119.145 miles
(191.74 km) using Haversine. Note that this number
differs from - and is slightly greater - than the distance
calculated in 1963, which was reported as being "over 118
Note: You may
need to use Internet Explorer for the above GoogleMap links to
work properly.
Two of the
publications in which this effort was reported include:
- Electronic Design News
(EDN): November, 1963
- 1QST, July 1963, pg 68.
Other technical references:
- Hamamatsu
Photomultiplier Basics and Applications - A good
technical reference about the theory, operation, and
specifications of photomultiplier tubes. An
"S-20" photomultiplier tube is a type that has somewhat better
"red" sensitivity than most standard photomultipliers,
which typically have good sensitivity only in the
blue/ultraviolet end of the light spectrum. Also
see the Burle
Photomultiplier Handbook more information on
this topic.
I would like to thank Bob Legg for his invaluable assistance
in providing specific details of this event. I would
also like to thank Dave McGee and those others that assisted
Bob in his gathering of materials and researching of data,
as well as Ron Sharpless and Parks Squyres who provided a
few additional pictures and a bit more information about the
Of course, we wish to thank all of those who were involved
with this project those many years ago who had the
motivation, ambition, and foresight to undertake a project
that was, at the time, at the leading edge of technology and
would still involve quite a bit of effort to replicate even
Comments, corrections, or questions? Send an email.
In February of 2008,
Chris (VK3AML) and Clint (KA7OEI) visited Bob and completed
a two-way optical contact across Yucca Valley - read about
that contact here.
to the Operation Redline Picture Gallery page or Go back to the "Modulated
Light" page.
This page and contents
copyright 2008-2018 by Clint Turner, KA7OEI. and
relevant parties. Last update: 20180824
optical communications, through-the-air optical
communications, FSO communications, Free-Space
Optical communications, lightbeam communicatior,
light beam communications, lightbeam, LED
communications, laser communications, LED, laser,
light-emitting diode, lens, fresnel, fresnel lens,
photodiode, photomultiplier, PMT, phototransistor,
laser tube, laser diode, high power LED, luxeon,
cree, phlatlight, lumileds, modulator, detector