Taking advantage of clear air and better
weather, this same path was re-done on September 3, 2007 and the
signals were at least 20dB better - see details on the "Revisiting the
107 mile path" page.
QSO was mentioned on page 80 of the March, 2008 issue of QST.
Working up to the distance...
For several months now, we have been building, testing, and refining
the optical ("lighbeam") gear that has been built - not to mention
getting practice
in the art of setting up and operating it - all over our standard "15
mile" path (14.96 miles, or 23.85km, actually...) across the Salt Lake
Figure 1: Map and elevation
profile showing the path between the location near Mt. Nebo in the
south to Inspiration point to the north.
Click on the image for a larger version.
As detailed previously
(see "Our
first optical contact," "More
optical testing" and its related
page about the comparison of coherent and noncoherent light) we'd
run this "standard" test path several times with excellent
results. Having weeded out most of the problems with the gear, we
decided that the system performance was good enough to warrant a more
severe, in-field test.
Picking a path:
Because the Salt Lake City area is bordered along the east side by some
fairly high mountains -
and because its geography is a rather unique combination of "Basin and
Range" areas - it is relatively easy to locate fairly long
shots. What is somewhat more difficult, however, is to find shots
that are fairly long
and have vehicle access at both
ends of the path.
From the beginning, one site stood out as a reasonable candidate:
Inspiration Point. This spot is located just north and to the
west of Willard Peak, a 9783 foot (2983 meter) peak that is about 12
miles (19km) north of the city of Ogden. This site has access via
a four-wheel drive dirt and gravel road and is 380 feet
(120 meters) lower than Willard Peak. Fortunately, the lay of the
land puts this spot west and north of Willard Peak, allowing a
spectacular view
to the land below in many directions - including toward the
south, clearing the north-south running Wasatch range. Another
important attribute of this site is that it's
within a 2-3 hour drive of our homes in the Salt Lake area.
Having decided on one end of the path, we had to decide on the other
end. Within 60 miles (about 100 km) or so, there were plenty of
choices that offered sites that had a fairly easy drive, so we decided
to narrow things down a bit. The 60 mile mark was our unofficial
"minimum" distance, as we wanted to try a path that was at least four
times as long as our 15 mile test shot: Having crunched numbers,
we were
confident that, given clear-air conditions, we would have more than
enough link margin to accomplish a 2-way contact.
Initially, the southern end of the path was going to be Lake
Mountain. This is a fairly low range of mountains that lies along
the west edge of Utah Lake, which is west of Provo. Having driven
up there a number of times on repeater-servicing trips, we were quite
familiar with the road access, and its distance of about 70 miles was
about the distance that we'd anticipated trying.
On a whim, I decided to look more closely at another area that I'd
visited in the past: The Mt. Nebo scenic loop. This is a
fairly narrow, windy, paved road that goes from the city of Payson,
south of Provo, over the mountains, and intersects with Utah Highway
132 midway between Nephi
(pronounced "knee-fie") and Fountain
Green. Along its route, parts of it are well over 9000 feet (2744
meters) in elevation and by a quirk of geography, it, too, juts out
toward the west - an important point considering that the majority of
the Wasatch Range, of which Mt. Nebo is a part, is a north-south
running range that would otherwise block a typical north-south path.
Utilizing various tools (such as maps and Google Earth) I located a few
points along the road that appeared to have an unobstructed view toward
the north. To verify the path, I used the RadioMobile program to
predict, using a topographical database with 1 arc-second of
resolution, what the horizontal profile of the path would be.
Plugging the possible locations into the program, I determined that
three of these sites were, in fact, shown to have an unobstructed view
of Inspiration Point.
It just so-happens that these sites are at distances (from Inspiration
Point) ranging from just over 104 miles (166.4 km) to nearly 108 miles
(172.8 km) and the best of these was, according to the maps and aerial
photographs, located near a radio site of some sort, at the end of a
short access road. Having two other possible sites, I decided to
risk that its road would be accessible to the public - but if not, one
of the others would suffice. In a pinch, the original site -
somewhere on Lake Mountain - could still be used.
Figure 2: Computer simulated
views of the path looking to the north, toward Inspiration Point.
Click on the image for a larger version.
The day of the test:
On the day of the test, the weather was predicted to have scattered
thunderstorms along the entire north-south length of the path with
clearing in the evening. As the day wore on, it began to look
promising in terms of weather, but there was another problem: The
air was getting hazier by the hour for reasons unknown to us at the
Most of the group had agreed to meet for dinner at a 4 pm at a local
restaurant and by the time we'd finished at about 5, the weather in
Salt Lake was looking pretty good, but the air was at least as hazy as
before: Still, we decided to try it anyway, not knowing any
I headed south, picking up Tom, W7ETR, in Orem, roughly halfway to the
Nebo site, while the other group (Ron, K7RJ, his wife, Elaine, N7BDZ
Gordon, K7HFV) headed north to Inspiration Point. While driving,
we were able to maintain contact with each other through various local
repeaters - at least until Ron got to Brigham City and entered a canyon
to go east.
Heading south:
Meanwhile, Tom and I arrived at Payson and then began the fairly long,
twisty drive up Payson Canyon. Eventually, we topped out,
following the road as it wound more-or-less along the top of the ridge
as it headed south and west. The first site that we arrived at
was the northern-most one of the three that I'd selected, at a distance
of about 104 miles.
Despite the haze, it appeared that it was a suitable site, consisting
of a small, paved parking lot where sightseers could look out over the
wide vista. We then moved on and got to our second candidate
site: This site wasn't really a site per-se, but a place at which
one could park along the road and then drag the gear up the hill a
short distance, getting clear of the nearby trees and out of the view
(and headlights) of passing cars. Driving on, we finally arrived
at the intersection of the dirt road that went to what we hoped was a
suitable third site. Crossing our fingers, we drove up the road
and were relieved to find that it was a rough, but reasonably good,
four-wheel drive dirt
road. As we climbed the last several hundred feet, we circled a
hill and saw the radio site - an old (but still active) AT&T
microwave telephone relay site: From this site, it also looked as
though there was a clear line-of-sight path to the north - although we
really couldn't see much through the haze.
Heading north:
After leaving Brigham City, Ron and company drove up the canyon to the
small town of Mantua
(pronounced "man-away") and began
following a four wheel drive road that wound its way through the
mountains, gaining elevation, and eventually ending at Inspiration
Point. Here is Gordon's account of beginning of the trip:
Figure 3: Annotated view
from the south end of the path, looking North. The "Ensign Peak
ridge" (at about 2/3 of the path) is all but invisible. Photo by
Clint, KA7OEI.
Click on the image for a larger version.
"The road started out as just a normal gravel road, but
after we got high enough to look down on Pineview reservoir, the gravel
seemed to have graduated to 6-to-12-inch diameter. Thus, the ride up to
Inspiration Point was even more of an adventure than anticipated. We
passed at least a dozen or so folks on four-wheel ATVs, almost all
headed down. As we went higher, the light sprinkles turned into solid
rain, and we began to understand why the net traffic was overwhelmingly
downhill. However, we spotted one Subaru following us up and closing on
us. Elaine pulled over at a sharp turn in the road to let him pass, but
be decided to pull over at the same spot and take a picture. It was a
young fellow, probably late teens or early 20's.
"We passed 'The Saddle,' the first place with a view down toward
Willard, and the location of an interpretive sign about 'The Willard
Basin.' We didn't get out in the rain to read it. A few miles later we
passed the trailhead for Willard Peak. A few more miles still, and we
arrived at the promised 'Inspiration Point.' A small gravel road
circled the point and included a small parking area just south of it.
We got out, shivered a bit in the wind and rain and started searching
for coats and windbreakers. A few minutes later, the fellow in the
Subaru arrived, parked toward the south edge of the drivable area,
spent about five minutes taking pictures and then headed back down the
mountain. ([Did] he know something we [didn't]?)"
Knowing where to aim:
One of the difficulties in setting up any optical path is knowing
precisely where to aim. While having a compass bearing to point
at the far end is very helpful, nothing beats being able to relate the
location of the distant end with other visible landmarks. To
facilitate this, I was able to use both Google Earth and the
RadioMobile program to synthesize computer-generated views of the
landscape, as viewed from each location, with the distant end
Figures 2 and 5 are examples of the sorts of
synthesized landscapes that we used for reference.
Even though the "real world" view differs somewhat from the synthesized
view, it is still quite easy to pick out familiar geographical shapes
and landmarks and get a "feel" as to where, exactly, the distance site
is on the horizon. Even though this task was complated on this
occasion by the thick haze, a sufficient number of landmarks were
visible to provide a good reference, and repeated observation of the
landscape as it got darker allowed one to retain a visual reference as
some features - such as distant ridges - disappeared in the dark while
new references - such as city lights - began to appear.
Setting up at Nebo:
After arriving, Tom and I walked around, trying to decide where,
exactly, was
the best location to set up our equipment. Several areas were out
of the question because of blockage by trees, but fairly near the radio
site, there was a promising-looking open patch of ground. Tom was
concerned about a nearby (6 mile or 10 km distant) ridge that was
potentially blocking the line-of-sight path, so we decided to play it
safe and follow the trail along a barbed-wire fence several hundred
feet, finally parking at an open spot that improved the geometry.
Once we parked there, we noticed that the local high spot was on the
other side of the fence. Not to be deterred, we carefully
unlatched a short portion of the fence from its posts, laid it down far
enough to be able to step over it, and ferried our gear to a spot about
50 feet away from the car, making sure that none of the roving cattle
(who were, understandably, keeping a safe distance from us) even
thought about trying to cross the fence where we did.
At this time it was nearly sunset and the sky was mostly clear in our
area. After we had finished ferrying our gear and just started to
set up, Ron called on the radio telling us that he'd just arrived
and although the weather to the north wasn't as nice as it was for us,
they'd started unloading their gear (which included some 10 and 24 GHz
microwave radios) while we continued setting up on our end.
Figure 4: From the north end
of the path, a view looking toward the south during a brief respite
from the storm. Photo by Elaine, N7BDZ.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Because it was still fairly light, all I was receiving was white noise
- thermal noise from the sunlight and shot noise from the receiver
itself, but as it started to get darker, I noticed that I was starting
to hear lightning crashes, a sound much like what one hears on the low
HF bands during summer months.
Setting up at Inspiration Point:
At about this time, things started to go bad to the north. Gordon
"Ron sighted-in the spot on the distant mountains where the
computer-generated pictures said the remote site should be. He then
lined up rocks pointing in that direction for use later when we would
no longer be able to see the mountains. We started unloading microwave
gear at first, thinking we could try to make contacts while waiting for
"We had been watching lightning to the west of us and trying to
identify which way the cells were moving. At first they seemed to be
moving mostly to the north of us. But the rain and wind increased and
the lightning started getting uncomfortably close. Elaine suggested we
should get off the exposed top promptly, and Ron and I agreed. We piled
back into the car and drove about a half-mile back down the road. We
were able to find a hot-spot for the '76 repeater, so we could stay in
communication with Clint and Tom and the Mt. Nebo end of the path."
Waiting for the weather to clear:
While waiting for the weather to clear, we were joined by Chris, VK3AML
via IRLP on the '76 repeater that we were using for our
This seemed appropriate because it was, in large part, the work of the
Australian Optical group that inspired this activity in the first
place. In addition to Chris, there were a number of locals (both
in Utah and in Australia) that
monitoring - some of whom were just curious as to what it was that we
Figure 5: computer simulated
views of the path looking to the south, toward the Nebo Loop.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Meanwhile, Tom and I were completely set up, waiting for the weather to
clear at the north end of the path, keeping in touch with Ron and the
group. Here's more from Gordon:
"Altogether, I believe we made three exits from the top to escape
thunderstorms. It was suggested by someone at the other end that we
operate in between cells. Ron responded that the time between cells was
not long enough to get the equipment set up!
"At the worst time, we had lightning coming from various directions
with no more than about three seconds as the longest interval between
flashes. The rain turned to hail and it sounded as if a dump truck were
unloading a bed full of gravel onto our roof.
"I've lost track of exactly what happened on each return to Inspiration
Point, but on a couple of the returns, we noticed that we could see
city lights up to about the north end of Salt Lake. At first we thought
we were just seeing lights through Bountiful, but finally realized that
the brightest density of lights disappeared behind a ridge and was
probably Salt Lake City lights disappearing behind the Ensign Peak
(It should be noted that during transmissions made during the
hailstorm, the noise from the hail was strongly competing with Ron's
voice and was, no doubt, heard in Australia!)
During one of the brief times during which they returned to
Point, there was enough time to try a brief experiment to determine if,
in fact, there was a line-of-sight path between our two
locations. Elaine, who had been driving, positioned the car so
that the headlights shone in our direction. Having already set up
an 8" (20.3cm) reflector telescope, I pointed it in the expected
direction and after a moment of searching, I spotted what appeared to
be a dirty brown spot of light in the haze. To verify that I was,
in fact, seeing
their headlights, I announced "On - Off" on the
radio while they turned the headlights on and off - and this did verify
that I
could see their headlights, albeit quite dimly. It
was noted that the headlights were completely invisible to either the
naked eye or binoculars.
While awaiting for the storms to clear, Tom and I watched the lightning
activity as it drifted slowly eastwards: At times, the optical
receiver - which was left on - was almost continually enunciating
lightning crashes. It was interesting to note that often, a
strong crash of static was heard in the receiver when there was no
visible, corresponding flash of lightning in any direction.
Puzzled by this, Chris offered a possible explanation: The
optical receiver, also being sensitive to near infrared, was probably
picking up some of the lightning flashes that had their visible light
components filtered out by the distant clouds and rain.
Another interesting observation was that even though the lightning was
very distant - more than 90 miles (144 km) away - that the air volume
above our heads was occasionally lighting up as well. At the
moment, the best explanation of this was that with the particulate haze
that we were experiencing, the air high above us was in line-of-sight
of the distant lightning and simply scattering the light from it.
This also might be a joint explanation why we were able to "hear" the
lightning on the optical receiver even when it was not visible with the
naked eye.
Figure 6: A sample of the
lightshow witnessed by those at Inspiration Point. A reflection
of the lightning in the Great Salt Lake - and some city lights - can be
seen. Photo by Elaine, N7BDZ.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Finally - A respite:
By this time, Tom and I had stowed the microwave gear as it seemed
unlikely that there would be enough time to set it up in addition to
the optical testing that we were planning.
At the south end, we had the advantage of a clear, star-filled sky -
and the spectacular sighting of the International Space Station docked
with the Space Shuttle - not to mention the occasional bright meteor
streak in the sky. After the sky had wheeled about for a few
Ron announced that they were returning to Inspiration point.
Gordon continues:
"After ... our third return to Inspiration Point, we found the
lightning further away, and the rain mostly stopped, but the wind still
quite active. By now we had decided that microwave took too much setup
time to be practical between storm cells and we would concentrate
strictly on the optical communications trial. We vacillated a bit
between setting up in the back of the Cherokee and on a portable table.
We had positioned the vehicle for the Cherokee option, but, at Elaine's
suggestion, ultimately used the table. This gave us better access to
the equipment, but more worry about physical stability in the wind."
Using the telescope, I again sighted their headlights, again verifying
that there was at least some hope of being able to communicate.
After a few more minutes of setting up, I began to look through the
telescope while they started preliminary aiming of their optical
transceiver - but it didn't take too long before a faint red dot was
spotted in the distance. After a few more minutes, the light was
brighter - but still somewhat dim.
At this point, we decided to try the audible S-meter system: Ron
modulated his transmitter with a 1 kHz tone while I put the audio
interface into "S-meter" mode and after a short time of scanning, I got
a weak "hit" on the S-meter and by their turning their transmitter on
and off, we verified that we were, in fact, hearing the signal from the
distant end. After further peaking of my receiver, I transmitted
the S-meter tone over 2 meters to allow them to peak their end.
About the initial setup, Gordon writes:
"At first we didn't seem to be able to hear anything on the
receiver except our own transmissions. We realized, first, that we had
neglected to turn on the receiver module in the transceiver box, and,
second, that something was intermittent in the receiver's 9-volt
battery connection.
"When those problems were corrected, we actually were able to peak the
audible S-meter on the signal coming from the distant site. I found
this amazing as we were unable, visually, to see a trace of the distant
LED source."
It is worth mentioning that from the south end, only occasionally
could we catch a faint glimpse of the distant LED with the naked eye,
but most of the time it was simply not visible.
After using the audible S-meter system in both directions, we decided
to try to talk via voice and here is the resulting exchange. In
the recording below (which is in stereo) you can, at first, hear, some
chatter over the radio:
Initial exchange via the optical link:
A few comments about the above recordings:
- It is recommended that one uses headphones to listen to
these recordings.
- The LEFT channel contains the audio received at
Nebo from Inspiration Point while the RIGHT channel
contains audio received at Inspiration point from Nebo.
- In both cases, the transmitted audio can be
heard in
the receive channel from the local transmitter.
- To hear the audio transmitted from Nebo (the
south end) and received from Inspiration Point (the
north end) you will want to mute the right channel - or
at least move the right earphone from your ear.
- To hear the audio transmitted from Inspiration
Point (the north end) and received from Nebo (the south
end) you will want to mute the left channel.
- Note: The crosstalk is due
partly to the
scattering of
light in the air volume, reflecting back some of the signal. On
the south end, there may have been additional
loss of TX/RX isolation caused by more dust in the air, and weak
reflections from the ground in front of the transceiver. In the
case of the south end, things worked best in half-duplex mode, where
the north-beaming LED was shut off during receive.
- Both files are identical, except that the second one has noise
reduction applied in certain places on the left channel and
continuously on the right channel to make it easier to hear the
- In each case, the gain was adjusted as necessary to
make it more
audible during playback of the recording. At the time of the QSO,
we did this by turning up our volume controls.
- Upon listening to the recording from the north end, I could hear
our radio chatter over the optical link even before we started
talking. (That portion occurred before the beginning of the
recording below.)
- Note that these recordings do not include a complete exchange of
callsigns and gridsquares: We never got around to completing the
until about a half hour after this portion of the recording was made.
As can be heard from the first recording (the one without
the noise reduction) the signals were extremely weak as a result of the
high amount of haze in the air. To make matters worse, this
optical path went over the most heavily-populated portion of the
Wasatch Front - an area with a population of over a million. With
the haze in the air, light pollution was a problem, causing the 120 Hz
hum that can be heard in the recording, plus a steady "hiss" from the
lights. Later analysis revealed that this "hiss" raised the noise
floor of the receiver by at least 4 dB - probably much more - and under
these conditions,
every dB would have helped!
We carried on the QSO - often coordinating via 2 meters - for a bit
more than half an hour before we finally were satisfied that we'd
exchanged all the information that we'd needed, ending by
retransmitting a portion of each of our optical receivers via 2 meters
so that the Australians could hear. Over the entire time, the
signals remained weak, although the lightning static had mostly
subsided by the end of the contact.
Here's a bit more from Gordon:
"We tried exchanging grid squares to make a legitimate
contact for the contest. Several times we copied Clint's
4-character grid square, but were unable to make out the last two
letters. On one trial they were wiped out by feedback on our end, on
another by wind noise on Clint's end.
"Clint apparently could not copy our request for a repeat of the
two characters. Finally, after more coordination on two meters, we
copied the whole square ID solidly. Shortly after this event a
wind gust blew practically our entire setup off the table and onto the
ground. Elaine said, 'I think that's a sign from the Gods.'
After some two-meter exchanges with the folks on the other end, we
decided she was right and we had accomplished as much as we cared to
under the conditions. We started tearing down.
"The trip back was uneventful except for some new lakes that had
in the upper parts of the road. The whiplash quotient was somewhat less
than that of the up-bound trip. Surprisingly we passed an ATV and a
pickup truck on their way up the road. It was now nearly 2 A.M. We
joked that it was probably the Sheriff investigating a report of a
strange red light coming from Inspiration Point."
Not having experienced any inclement weather, our trip back
home was rather uneventful - mostly a matter of avoiding the occasional
bit of traffic on the narrow, windy canyon road. Dropping by Orem
to drop off Tom, I got home a bit after 2 AM. Ron and Elaine,
after dropping off Gordon, got home closer to 3 AM.
Figure 7: Clint, setting up
the gear at the Nebo (south) end of the path. (This picture is a
still from a short video clip, hence the grainy image.) Photo by
Tom, W7ETR.
Click on the image for a larger version.
First of all, I'd like to thank those that
helped, including:
- Tom, W7ETR who was with me during the QSO and helped in the setup,
but I mention on the air very much.
- Ron, K7RJ, suffering at the far end.
- Elaine, N7BDZ, Ron's long-suffering wife
- Gordon, K7HFV - also long-suffering.
And, of course, Chris, VK3AML and Mike, VK7MJ and the others in
At the south end of the QSO:
Present: Clint,
KA7OEI with Tom, W7ETR.
Location: Along the Mt. Nebo Scenic Loop Road that
goes between Payson and Birdseye, Utah.
WGS84 coordinates:
39°, 51' 19.56" North, 111°, 42' 12.00" West,
Altitude was 9393' (2864 meters) according to GPS.
Grid square: DM49du
At the north end of the QSO:
Ron, K7RJ with his wife Elaine, N7BDZ and Gordon, K7HFV
Location: A place called "Inspiration Point" that
is slightly north and west of Willard Peak, which is north of the city
of North Ogden, Utah.
WGS84 coordinates:
41°, 23' 26.6" North, 111°, 59' 9.6" West. I don't have
Ron's GPS reading for the altitude, but according to the USGS
topographical maps, the altitude is almost exactly 9400 feet (2866
Grid square: DN41aj
The calculated distance (as a crow flies) is 107.04 mi. (172.27km)
using the RadioMobile program, version 8.0.5,
Figure 8: Ron and Gordon,
operating from Inspiration point. Photo by Elaine, N7BDZ.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Other path statistics:
- South-to-North azimuth: 352.1° (true)
- Elevation angle on South-to-North path: -0.7834°.
Because our altitudes were the same, this is almost
exclusively due to Earth curvature.
- North-to-South azimuth: 172.0° (true) This is slightly different than 180
degrees from the reciprocal bearing due to rounding off.
- Elevation angle on North-to-South path: -0.7668°
- Maximum difference in elevation along path: 5143 ft. (1568
Other misc. path comments:
- The weather had been terrible earlier in the day, with several
localized storms driven by thermal convection - a typical phenomenon
during our monsoon season (July-August, mostly.) One possible
reason why the northern end of the path was so-affected by weather was
that the storm cells were likely powered by the warm waters of the
Great Salt Lake, which kept things going even after dark.
- Unknown to us at the time, a pall of smoke was moving in from
wildfires in California and Idaho. At the time, we hoped that the
haze would be cleared by the rain, but this was true to only a very
limited extent. The following day (Sunday) was a bit hazier, but
on the day after that, Monday, visibility was extremely
poor and it is unlikely that even half the distance could be covered
under these conditions. As can be seen from the picture in Figure
3, objects only at about 2/3 the distance were nearly invisible
during the daylight.
- The above factors certainly contributed to the rather poor
optical conditions that we observed due not only to optical path
attenuation, but also from scattering of city lights along the
path: As can be seen from the map in Figure 1, between
our two locations live more than a million people
in more-or-less a straight line, parallel to and under
our optical path, resulting in a large amount of light pollution.
Equipment common to both sides of the QSO:
- The LED was amplitude modulated with a current-linear modulator
with a resting current of 1.1 amps. Details of the
modulator are here: LED_linear_modulator.html
- The transmit LED in both cases was a Red Luxeon III emitter
module (Lumileds M/N: LXHL-PD09) epoxied to a heat sink.
- The optical receivers were my "version 3" design, described
here: optical_rx1.html#ka7oei_rx_ver3
with both receivers using BPW34 photodiodes.
- Audio interface units, incorporating audio amplifiers, audio
recorder interface, audible S-meter, and a few other features were used
- details are here: optical_comm_audio_interface_device.html
- Both transceivers have separate and identical TX and RX lenses
mounted side-by-side.
Optical transceiver used on the North-to-South link:
- This enclosure is described in detail here: Optical_enclosure_first_version.html
- Lens size: Unmounted, the Fresnel Lenses are 250mm x 318mm
and have a focal length of 318mm. The mounting frames vignette
the lenses by about 10mm in each dimension, so the available lens area
is about 240mm x 308mm. Each lens is protected by a sheet of
Plexiglas and the front surface has been coated with a protective
polymer to prevent scratching and moisture accumulation.
- For optimal far-field optical flux density, a glass PCX
(Plano-ConveX) lens is used in front of the LED to appropriately
illuminate the Fresnel, the LED-Lens distance being set empirically for
best output.
Optical transceiver used on the South-to-North link:
- The enclosure is described
here: Optical_enclosure_foldable_version.html
- Lens size: Unmounted, the Fresnel lenses are 404mm x 430mm
and have a focal length of 229 mm. The mounting frames vignette
the lens by about 10mm in each dimension, so the available lens area is
about 394mm x 420mm. Each lens is protected by a sheet of
Plexiglas and the front surface has been coated with a protective
polymer to prevent scratching and moisture accumulation.
- For optimal far-field optical flux density, an optical acrylic
DCX (Double-ConveX) lens was reground to an aspherical shape to provide
optimal illumination of the Fresnel. This turned out to be
necessary owing to the very short focal length of the lens that made it
difficult to efficiently illuminate the lens. After adjustment,
this LED/Lens combination produces about 25% higher far-field flux than
the other assembly, with an almost identical half-power beamwidth.
A timeline of the QSO itself:
- 0526 (2326) -
First 1 kHz alignment tones heard and initial
sighting-in occurred. (Actually, I think I heard a wisp of tones
a few minutes earlier than this - I'll have to closely examine the
- 0537 (2337) -
First time at which we were able to talk back and
forth, albeit with a little bit of difficulty.
- 0558 (2358) -
Final exchange of Grid squares. Ron had
mistakenly been saying "DM" when it was really "DN"
- 0559 (2359) -
Exchange via lightbeam over radio with Chris - last
time we communicate over the lightbeam.
- 0606 (0006) -
Ron shuts down. (8/19 MDT)
The times in bold are UTC on 19 August, 2007
while those in parenthesis are in local time, MDT, mostly on 18 August,
Figure 9: Observed
scintillation of the 1 kHz alignment tone. This is a 2-second
worst-case snapshot from more than 60 seconds of tone.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Observations and comments from the South end, looking North:
- I can't speak for what Ron/Gordon/Elaine were seeing, but with
the naked eye and through the telescope, the point in space from which
we could see the Luxeon glow was bathed in an orange glow from
scattering of street lighting. At one point, I pointed the
receiver down a few degrees, below the distanct city lights, and on the
recording, I see about a 6dB
reduction in AC hum and 4-5dB reduction in "Hiss." I now wish
that I'd pointed the receiver skywards to get a baseline noise floor
- Only rarely was the Luxeon from Ron's end visible with the naked
- Despite the much greater distance, the observed scintillation was
comparable to that noted during previous 15 mile across-the-valley
tests. Figure 9 shows a sample of the 1 kHz alignment
tone, and a 2-second image showing the worst-case scintillation
observed over about 60 seconds of tone.
- Even when no lightning - or even flashes from lighting - were
visible, loud crashes could be heard via the optical receiver.
- For sighting, I used an 8" reflector telescope. With it, I
could dimly see the headlights of Ron's Jeep as a muddy, brown glow,
but the red Luxeon glow
was quite visible. It was with the telescope that the initial
sighting-in of the north-end transmitter was done, with further
tweaking being done via the audible
S-meter system.
Observations from the North end, looking South:
- While the weather was clear at the south end, this was not
the case at the north end. Shortly after arriving on-site, Ron
and company were chased off the mountain several times by fast-moving
and intense
thunderstorms. Fortunately, they needed go down the road only a
few miles to find shelter amongst trees and surrounding ridges where
they endured heavy rain, hail, thunder, and nearby lightning strikes
while hunkered down in the car. Before
the QSO was completed, they were forced to retreat three times
before the convection-driven weather died down enough for them to set
up their gear!
- Once they were able to set up, they still had to endure
very high winds and some light sprinkling. At one point, a gust
of wind blew the electronic gear off the table, although the wooden
enclosure stayed put and on-point.
- Even using binoculars, no-one at the north end was ever
able to spot the glow of the north-pointing transceiver. Aiming
was done solely with feedback from the far end, plus the use of the
audible S-meter.
As Ron pointed out, the poor optical conditions likely did far more to
"stress" capabilities so, under "good" conditions,
we'll likely do even better! In the next couple of weeks, we hope
re-try this path just to make some comparisons - but we'll do this when
conditions are better!
Taking advantage of clear air and better
weather, this communications along this same path were re-done on
September 3, 2007 and the
signals were at least 20dB better - see details on the "Revisiting the
107 mile path" page.
Notes about the audio clips on this page:
- The audio clips on this page have been edited to remove "dead"
time and irrelevant bits of dialog. This editing has been done
to make them more "listenable" and to keep the file sizes manageable.
- In the audio clips, amplitude and gain adjustments have been
made to improve listenability. At the time of the actual event,
volume control was used to similar effect for the benefit of the local
- Except as noted, no noise reduction or audio filtering has
been done, other than some lowpass filtering that was done during the
MP3 encoding process.
to the KA7OEI Optical communications Index page.
If you have questions or comments concerning the contents
of this
page, feel free to contact me using the information at this URL.
Lightbeam communications, light
beam, lightbeam,
laser beam, modulated light, optical communications, through-the-air
communications, FSO communications, Free-Space Optical communications,
LED communications, laser communications, LED, laser, light-emitting
diode, lens, fresnel, fresnel lens, photodiode, photomultiplier, PMT,
phototransistor, laser tube, laser diode, high power LED, luxeon,
cree, phlatlight, lumileds, modulator, detector
This page and contents copyright
2007-2008. Last update: 20080227